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Image by Augustine Wong
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Everything you need to know about LaFortune


the LaFortune


Every brand deserves to look good

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LaFortune story... 

LaFortune Branding is a creative agency that focuses on making brands be good and look good.  


Starting as a social media management company; we used our creative direction and content creation expertise to increase brand awareness for businesses. However, we soon realized that it was pointless to enhance a brands social media and make them look good on the outside but be empty on the inside with no complete brand identity. The truth is, the pretty look is the cherry on top, not the whole sundae. 







One thing we believe in is longevity. Growing to an agency and adding Creative direction, brand design + strategy, and brand management and consulting services; LaFortune has a service for each step of a brand's journey. Each service has elements that impact the internal and external identity of a brand because we believe if it is good, it should also look the part.









A brand is more than what is trending at the moment, a brand is more than a cookie-cutter strategy, a  brand should give people something to believe in and here we do just that. 

but here, we love our  sundaes with cherries

To put it simply, we're here for the brands who want to be here for a good time and a long time... and look good while doing it. 


"before you can attract the heart of your audience you must first attract their eyes and ears... good branding does both"
-Steph, CEO 
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about Steph 

Another day another slay! I'm so happy you found yourself here because I would want to know whom I'm hiring too. I'm Steph a First gen American, first daughter, which should already let you know I get things done. I'm also the creative director behind this entire operation and your brands' next bestie for the restie! 


I'll make this short: Whilst in this industry I have built 5 brands from scratch. This includes naming to complete brand identity. The LOOK is important to me and I can see the end of a vision and all its angles from the beginning. Everything you create for your brand is content.. lucky for you my network calls me the "content queen" because creating content comes naturally to me.  There's so much to share but I'll end it here, but follow the gram' to connect!


LaFortune is my great-grandmother's last name who raised my mom: So it means a lot but me. But also, LaFortune translates to 'the wealth" which is my purpose with this agency: to expose the wealth that exists in each brand.

Image by Dan Cristian Pădureț
So, what are you waiting for?

let's reveal the wealth in you brand 

run don't walk... 

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